Full Form Of Computer, Meaning, Functions, Parts

What is Computer

The word computer is derived from the word "Compute" in English, which means "computation", which is why it is also called calculator or computer or computation machine and it was invented to calculate Calculation in direct language. Machine, like your calculator.

Full Form Of Computer

  • C= Common 
  • O= Oriented 
  • M= Machine 
  • P= Particularly 
  • U= United and used under 
  • T= Technical and 
  • E= Educational 
  • R= Research,
A computer requires both software and hardware to function properly. If said in direct language, then these two are complementary to each other. Meaning hardware command is given from computer software, information about how a hardware has to work is already inserted in the software.

Computer Functions

The process of functioning of a computer is completed in a phased manner -

Input ProcessingOutput

• For input, you use the keyboard, mouse, etc., as well as input devices, as well as commands or directs the computer through software or enter data.
• This is the second part of the process in which the command or data given by you is processed by the processor according to the information and instructions available in the software.
• The third and final part output is the output information of the information processed by you based on the command given by the computer which is received by the output device.

Output Devices

Output device: - Based on the command given by you, the information processed is given to you by the output computer which is received by you output device or output unit. Out device is hardware. Output device is the best example of your computer monitor. This is called I / O devices.

4.The projector

Input Device

Input devices are input devices that can store and enter data and commands in a computer. Binary play a important role for input devices because it store data and instructions of computer.

2.Key board
4.DVD drive
6.Card reader

Important parts of computer

A computer is a machine and these machinery parts of a computer are called the hardware of the computer, but it is not the case that the hardware alone can do all the work. The second part of the computer is also software. With the help of software, the hardware of the computer is given instructions and instructions. Following hardware, hardware does all the work. Hardware is a body of computer whereas software is soul of computer. It is absolutely necessary to be able to do any work. It is important to be connected to the computer as hardware and do their different work like keyboard takes input and printer gives you output.

The following are the important parts of a computer: -

•Central Processing Unit

•Monitor or LCD: - Its use shows the display of all the pregrams of the computer. It is an output device.
•Keyboards: - It is used for typing in a computer, it is an input device, we can operate the computer only through the keyboard.
•Mousse: - Mousse simplifies the use of computer in a way it is a remote device as well as an input device.
•CPU (Central Processing Unit): - It is an important part of the computer, all our data is saved. All the parts of the computer are CPU. Is associated with Click Learn about the internal parts of the CPU.
•UPS (Anitrap Power Supply): - This hardware or machine prevents the computer from shutting down directly on electricity, which keeps all our data safe.
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