IUPAC Full Form, IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemical

IUPAC Full Form

The full form of IUPAC is International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. I. U. P.A. C. (IUPAC) nomenclature is a system of naming chemicals, which at the same time helps to explain chemistry. It has been developed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, and is kept up to date. The rules for naming organic and inorganic compounds are contained in two publications, namely Blue Book and Red Book. A third publication, namely the Green Book, contains recommendations for the use of symbols used for physical quantities (attached to IUPAC), while a fourth publication, called the Gold Book, has definitions of chemical terms. Similar collections are also in biochemistry (affiliated with IUBMB), and analytical chemistry, and bromochemistry. These books also have small recommendations for special situations, which are published periodically in the papers Pure and Applied Chemistry.

IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemical

In an earlier article, IUPAC nomenclature is discussed now.
I will discuss the advance method of naming IUPAC in the article. But before
The essence of the article will also be discussed.
The nomenclature of an organic additive consists of two main parts:
Prior language
In the nomenclature of the name of an organic additive, the following table should be one.
Can For this, the number of carbon is considered. Prefix in this array
The number of carbon is written in front of.
name of             quantity of
carbon in atom
1.Meth                   1
2.Eath                   2
3. Prop                  3
4.But                    4
5.Paint                   5
6.Hex                    6
7.Hept                   7
8.Oct                     8
9.Non                    9

10.Dec                   10


The naming of an organic additive is one of the following tabel
Can For this, it depends on the type of bond between the carbon. Attachments in this array
The type of bond between carbon is written in front of.
name         type of bond
1.In          Double Bond
2.N              Single
3. Ain         Triple Bond
Examples of hydrocarbons:
Eth + n = athen (n = 2)
C2H6 (Athen)
But + n = butane
(Butane) = CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3
Similarly we can get the structure of other saturated hydrocarbons and from the formula one (1)
is .

Hex + ane = hexane
for hexane = 6
C6H12 = CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3

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